Prints are currently managed on a person-to-person basis until I can find an online printing service that doesn’t gouge so badly that I have to charge absurd prices just to break even.
The upside to this is that my prints are highly customizable with a variety of different paper and finish options to choose from. In addition, your order will be handled personally by me, which means you can ask any questions you might have as well as inquire about custom jobs.
To order a print, send an email to with the subject “Prints.” Attach a screenshot of the image you would like a print of, and I will respond as quickly as possible to discuss available options and prices. When we have established what you want, I will send you an invoice through PayPal. If you do not have PayPal, I can also accept CashApp. Venmo, and Apple Pay, though I’m unsure how the buyer/seller protection works with those. PayPal just makes things a little easier in the event that your order gets lost in the mail, or something else happens.